What’s new in DocuWare Version 7.2
The latest DocuWare version is all about user-friendliness. This means that working with documents and configuring DocuWare will be even more convenient.
You can now also display most standard e-invoices like “normal” invoices in the Viewer, even if they are only XML files (from a purely technical point of view). A reader-friendly display makes invoice processing even easier and more transparent.
A definite highlight for anyone who configures or administers DocuWare: the system‘s new stamp configuration. Instead of going through a locally installed DocuWare Administration, you can now also create stamps right in the browser within DocuWare Configuration – and it’s also much easier and more intuitive to work with than before. Configurations for DocuWare Request and Connect to Mail have also been optimised, especially with regards to user-friendliness.
There are numerous new features in Workflow Designer that improve the controls and processing of tasks within processes.